by Brock Andony | Jun 6, 2022 | Certification Management Software, Construction Managers, General Contractors, Orientation
With the start of every new construction project, comes a new subcontractor onboarding phase. Though your safety protocols do not change, the subcontractors on the project, the risks at play, and other site-specific challenges do. That is why it is paramount that all...
by myComply | Jan 14, 2022 | Construction Managers, Construction Safety, Construction Tech, General Contractors, Insurance, myComply, Orientation
Site-specific orientations in construction aim to qualify workers for conducting safe work on a jobsite. A completed orientation is a prerequisite to being allowed on-site and builds foundational knowledge that aims to keep workers safe and working efficiently. ...
by myComply | Dec 10, 2021 | Construction Managers, General Contractors, myComply, Orientation, Productivity
A new contractor orientation ensures that all workers are prepared to work safely and efficiently on-site. This is especially important for workers unfamiliar with a project site, the general contractor, the environment, and/or unfamiliar with expectations of the...
by myComply | Jul 6, 2021 | Press Release, Uncategorized
Brooklyn, New York – July 6, 2021) myComply, a technology platform focused on safety and compliance in the construction industry, is proud to announce the addition of a new orientation module. The module features a variety of tools, including online orientation...
by Brock Andony | Jun 11, 2021 | Construction Safety, OSHA
Construction safety orientations are essential to ensure a qualified workforce. On major projects, general contractors (GCs) and Construction Managers (CMs) might be overseeing hundreds of different subcontractors throughout the duration of a project. Promoting safe...