by myComply | Jan 14, 2022 | Construction Managers, Construction Safety, Construction Tech, General Contractors, Insurance, myComply, Orientation
Site-specific orientations in construction aim to qualify workers for conducting safe work on a jobsite. A completed orientation is a prerequisite to being allowed on-site and builds foundational knowledge that aims to keep workers safe and working efficiently. ...
by myComply | Dec 10, 2021 | Construction Managers, General Contractors, myComply, Orientation, Productivity
A new contractor orientation ensures that all workers are prepared to work safely and efficiently on-site. This is especially important for workers unfamiliar with a project site, the general contractor, the environment, and/or unfamiliar with expectations of the...
by myComply | Jul 6, 2021 | Press Release, Uncategorized
Brooklyn, New York – July 6, 2021) myComply, a technology platform focused on safety and compliance in the construction industry, is proud to announce the addition of a new orientation module. The module features a variety of tools, including online orientation...
by Brock Andony | Jun 11, 2021 | Construction Safety, OSHA
Construction safety orientations are essential to ensure a qualified workforce. On major projects, general contractors (GCs) and Construction Managers (CMs) might be overseeing hundreds of different subcontractors throughout the duration of a project. Promoting safe...
by Brock Andony | Jun 4, 2021 | Construction Safety, Construction Tech, Mega Projects
Like most global sectors, the construction industry is amidst rapid change, being dealt at the hand of technological advancement. Historically, construction was among the slowest to move, demonstrating an IT investment of 1.51% of annual sales revenue, lagging the...