by Brock Andony | Nov 5, 2021 | Construction Safety, Construction Statistics, General Contractors, Insurance, Labor Analytics, ROI
Every construction professional knows that injuries and incidents bear many negative repercussions with respect to workplace operations. But, without an accurate way of measuring the impact of these incidents, it can be difficult to assess and communicate the need for...
by Brock Andony | Oct 22, 2021 | Construction Safety, Insurance, Productivity, ROI
Construction sites are one of the most dangerous work environments in the world. In fact, the construction sector costs three people their lives every single day in the United States alone. It’s because of this enhanced risk that metrics such as total recordable...
by Brock Andony | Sep 23, 2021 | Construction Tech, Productivity, ROI, Time & Attendance
Are you a general contractor (GC) or construction manager (CM) shopping for new projects? If so, then you are no stranger to the (often) tall task that is completing construction bids. If you are like the 40% of construction companies that lack confidence in the...
by Brock Andony | Aug 23, 2021 | Access Control, Construction Safety, ROI
What is the security risk exposure on your construction sites? How many instances of loss or theft do you incur every year? How much do those instances cost you? What do you do to ensure construction site security? If you’re a project owner, General Contractor (GC),...
by myComply | Jun 16, 2021 | Construction Safety, Insurance, myComply, ROI, Uncategorized
Construction firms utilize construction site access control for a variety of reasons. Some are looking to secure equipment, building materials, or other physical assets on the site. Others might be more interested in defending the site from passerby traffic,...
by Brock Andony | May 12, 2021 | Mega Projects, ROI
The Burj Khalifa, the One World Trade Center, the Beijing Airport, California’s high-speed railway… these are a few of the greatest mega construction projects (past/present) in the world. One might think that with project costs to the tune of hundreds of millions,...