Frequently Asked Questions

Does myComply provide support?

Yes, please contact or call 1(877)583-9303 for any support requests

Who’s profile is this?

The profile is for the trained worker to keep (there is no cost to that worker). The managing entity (employer or managing group) has access to that profile through a “handshake” with the worker. Once the worker removes the handshake status, the profile remains active with the worker.

How does a handshake work?

A "handshake" is the term we use to describe allowing access to your profile. Once a profile is created, either by the profile owner or the managing entity, an email is sent to the profile owner asking for a handshake. Accepting a handshake links the profile information to the managing entity until you remove the handshake.

What happens to profile information if the profile owner stops the handshake?

If a handshake is ended, the profile stays with the profile owner. The managing entity is left with a snap shot of your information at the time the handshake ends as they may need the information for auditing.

Can a handshake continue after a worker leaves a managing entity?

Yes, if the managing entity would like to retain access to your profile you can leave the handshake in place. This allows for real time knowledge of what the worker can provide and leaves communication open for future employment.

Can I search for specific employee training?

Yes, we have provided a filter system to search for any type(s) of data from the profiles in place. This can be used to place specialized work forces, indicate what training may be required to complete training of a person or group for job placement, provide a list of training requirements by certification type, job requirement, location or date.

Can I use the data from myComply for other areas within my business?

Yes - We have included a simple export to excel feature that can be allocated to any other area that you could use the information you are tracking